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Майя(нская) мифология

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Зарегистрирован: 10.09.2012
Сообщения: 8551
Откуда: Греция

СообщениеДобавлено: Сб Янв 14, 2023 1:35 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Майя(нская) мифология Ответить с цитатой

Красивый миф майя - эпос "Пополь-Вух":


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Зарегистрирован: 10.09.2012
Сообщения: 8551
Откуда: Греция

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Апр 19, 2024 11:27 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Найден онлайн текст книги Felix Guirand, "Всемирная мифология" на английском языке:

Yucatan. The most interesting among the peoples of Central America are the Mayas of Yucatan
and their southern neighbours the Quiche Mayas, nations of Toltec origin driven towards the
isthmus by Aztec invasions. At the head of the mythological pantheon of the Yucatan Mayas is the
god Hunab Ku (the one god), also'called Kinebahan (mouth and eyes of the sun), whose wife was
Ixazaluoh (water), the creator of weaving.
As was the case in Mexico, the Sun had a son, Itzamna, a civilising hero, inventor of drawing and
letters, sometimes represented in the form of a red hand, to which the sick prayed. He brought
back the dead to life, and for that reason there was a great cult of him in his town, Itzamal. Alms
and presents were given to him. Many pilgrimages were made to him every year, during which
squirrels were sacrificed to him and tissues offered up. In return Itzamna looked after the fertility
of the fields and the abundance of water supply.
In their very extensive mythology must be mentioned the Bacabs, four wind gods, the pillars of
heaven; Echua, the god of travellers; Yuncemil, the lord of death; Acat, the god of life, who shaped
children in their mothers' wombs; Backlum-Chaam, the Maya Priapus, and Chin, god of vice.
The people of Yucatan also worshipped the god Cukulcan (bird-spake), of whom they told this
'Once upon a time Cukulcan came from the west with nineteen companions, two of whom were
gods of fish, two others gods of agriculture, and a god of thunder. .. They stayed ten years in
Yucatan. Cukulcan made wise laws, and then set sail and disappeared in the direction of the rising
The people of Yucatan believed in a god of creation, benefactor of the world, Nohochacyum (the
grandfather) among the La-candons, and Nohochacyumchac among the modern Mayas. Among
the former he was the son of two flowers. Nohochacyum was perpetually at war with an evil deity
Hapikern, the enemy of mankind, and he had three brothers: Yantho who was associated with
Xamani-qinqu, spirit of the north; Usukun a god ill-disposed to men, whose assistant is Kisin the
earthquake; and Uyitzin, a benevolent god.
Beside these supreme gods was Akna (the mother) goddess of birth, whose husband was
Guatemala. In Guatemala, as in Honduras, we again come upon the cult of the sun and moon,
whose gods Hun-Ahpu-Vuch and Hun-Ahpu-Mtye (grandfather and grandmother) are
represented in human form but with the face of the sacred animal, the tapir. The son Gucumatz
(the feathered snake) is the civilising and agricultural god, changing himself at will into different
animals, and living in heaven and hell.
However, there exists another more powerful god, Hurakan, known also in the West Indies, and
worshipped even by Gucumatz. He presides over the whirlwind and the rumblings of the
thunderstorm. He gave the Quiche Mayas fire by rubbing his sandals together. His surname is
Tohil, a name also given to Quetzalcoatl.
The basic idea of the Quiche myths is that of the sun, which dies and is born again, and also of the
creation of mankind. Here is the Guatemala legend in which we find a curious cosmogony.
'In the beginning everything was under water, above which hovered Hurakan and Gucumatz, the
givers of life. They said: "Earth!" and immediately the earth was created. The mountains rose out
of the water, to the great joy of Gucumatz who congratulated Hurakan. (Here we note the
superiority of the latter over Gucumatz.) The earth was covered with vegetation, and the creators
peopled it with animals with the command to do them homage. But as the animals could not
speak, they roared, howled or whistled, but could not make themselves understood. To punish
them the gods decided they should be killed and eaten.
'They then made clay men who were unable to move their heads or speak or understand. They
decided to make wooden men, but they lacked intelligence and feelings, and had no knowledge of
their creators. The gods destroyed them. But some survived, and made little wooden monkeys.
'After consulting together Hurakan and Gucumatz decided to make four men of yellow and white
maize. But as they were too
perfect, the gods shortened their sight. During their sleep they created four women. And these
were the ancestors of the Quiche tribe. However, they complained that they could not see clearly,
for the sun had not yet appeared, so they went off to Tullan where they learned about their gods.
It was very cold there, and they received fire from Tohil (Hurakan). But the sun did not appear,
and the earth remained damp and cold. Speech was divided, and the ancestors no longer
understood each other. They then left Tullan guided by Tohil and came to the Quiche country.
There at last the sun appeared, followed by the moon and the stars. In their delight animals and
men sang a hymn, and offered the gods blood from their ears and shoulders. Later they thought it
better to shed the blood of victims.'
Honduras. In Honduras, where sun and moon also were worshipped, there is a rather strange
legend of the 'White Woman':
'A white woman of matchless beauty came down from heaven to the town of Cealcoquin. There
she built a palace ornamented with strange figures of men and animals, and placed a stone in the
chief temple with mysterious figures on three of its sides. It was a talisman which she used to
conquer all her enemies.
'Although she remained a virgin, she gave birth to three sons; and when she grew old she divided
her kingdom with them. Then she had her bed carried to the highest part of the palace, and
disappeared into the sky in the form of a beautiful bird..."
This legend has a great resemblance to a myth of the moon, whose three sons might well be the
three visible phases of the moon. Moreover, in Honduras we find myths which are very similar to
those of Mexico.
Nicaragua. The inhabitants of Nicaragua all had the same religion.
The gods of the Niquirans (one of the tribes in Nicaragua) lived in heaven and were immortal. The
two chief deities were Tamagostad and the goddess Zipaltonal, creators of the earth and
everything in it. They lived in the east. With them were Ecalchot, the wind god; the little Ciaga, a
water god, who shared in the creation; Quiateot, the rain god; Misca, god of traders; Chiquinau,
god of the air and the nine winds; and Vizetot, god of famine. After death, souls departed
according to their deserts either to heaven with Tamagostad and Zipaltonal, or under the ground
with Mictanteot (the MictlantecuhtU of Mexico).
Among the underground gods is Masaya, the goddess of volcanoes, to whom sacrifices were
made after earthquakes by throwing human victims into a crater. She is represented as a
termagant with a black skin, thin hair and sagging breasts but she was consulted for her oracles
which were highly esteemed.
There is every reason to think that Mexican influences were important in developing the early
religious customs of this country.

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Зарегистрирован: 10.09.2012
Сообщения: 8551
Откуда: Греция

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Апр 26, 2024 12:24 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

- "Μάγια. Μύθοι και θρύλοι", изд. Ιάμβλιχος, отбор текстов Κ. Καλογερόπουλος, перевод Λύσανδρος Μυγιάκης, 2000 год:

1. Введение:

Начало переселения
Фундаментальные воздействия на культуру майя
Искусство и религия
Влияния от Теотихуакана
Гватемала: последнее убежище

2. Мифы майя:

Миф о Сотворении
Рассказ о богах маиса
Холм Чуа Капох
Рассказ о Красном Бруно Горы
Человек, который обратился в бога
Рассказ о Кролике и Койоте: повествование народа джутухия
Рассказ о Силе, которой обладают люди при рождении
Танец оленя
Три Омбре, которые искали пакайя
Чаракотели и дом настоящей хефе
Два истинных ребёнка Бога
Танец летучей обезьяны
Два лентяя
Женщина и сторож
Рассказ о лентяе, который должен был стать царём города
История Чема Тамалеса
Рассказ о заколдованном холме Тун Абахе
История охотника
Мой девиз: один против всех, и всем несдобровать...
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